EMTIJ 2007

martes, julio 04, 2006



Ruth Baltra Moreno, Actress, Dramaturga and Theater Pedagoga, OCARIN, Organization of the Culture and the Infantile Art, OCARINJU, Organization of the Culture and Youthful Art and CORPET. Corporation of Pedagogos Theater of Chile, is developing version 2007 of 2° World-wide Encuentro of Infantil-Juvenil Theater (EMTIJ), that will be made in Santiago of Chile between the 20 and the 29 of January of 2007, summoning Groups, Factories and Schools of Theater for Children and Adolescents and to Exhibitors of Chile and the Foreigner.


• To stimulate, to promote and to spread to the THEATER ART FOR CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS with the purpose of approaching the minors to the dramatic and theater expression
• To create a national and international network of schools, institutions or organisms dedicated to the Scenic Arts of the Childhood and Adolescence
• To emphasize the importance that has the education of the Theater Art, from the earliest childhood, for an adapted oral development, creative and corporal; the enrichment of the language and the communication; the acquisition of abilities and artistic discipline; the discovery and the sensibilización of inner, familiar, scholastic, social the world, and vocacional; and the esteem by the aesthetic and humanitarian values
• To obtain that the artistic education, in their different disciplines and manifestations, is integrated to the curricular mesh of the educational system of each country
• To found the bases for the proposed consolidation of the WORLD-WIDE PARLIAMENT OF the CHILDHOOD and ADOLESCENCE and EMTIJ-INTERNACIONAL on 1° Encuentro, one of whose suggested goals it would be to look for through the education and representation of the Theater Art for Children, Children and Adolescents, his personal accomplishment and social and cultural identity, like also the knowledge by the roots and own wealth of its countries and of the planet in defense of its future.


1. One summons all the groups, companies, factories and Schools of Infantile and/or Youthful Theater of Chile and the foreigner that are integrated by nongreater young children and/or of 25 years of age and that has their effective documentation (passport, identity cards and legal authorization to travel)
2. The plays that appear can be original or adapted, of thematic significant and oriented to emphasize values that do not attempt with the principles of tolerance, solidarity, nonviolence and of it safeguard of the planet and the Rights of Children, Children and Adolescents.
3. The puttings in scene are not subject to a certain style and will be able to go to anyone of the following categories: a) Until the 8 years b) Of 9 to 11 years c) Of 12 to 15 years d) Of 16 to 18 years
4. The presented/displayed works must have a minimum duration of thirty (30) minutes and maximum of sixty (60) minutes.
5. The participant companies will have to be constituted by a maximum of twelve (12) people including a the director and 1 accompanying adult. Estadía of any other person will be the responsibility of the same one
6. All the present companies, Groups and Panelistas in Encuentro will receive a diploma of honor that will credit its participation in the same one, giving to it in addition to the Companies, attending Groups and Panelistas in the EMTIJ-2006, a recognition as HONORARY MEMBERS Of the WORLD-WIDE ENCOUNTER that is made in Chile.
7. The organization of the EMTIJ-2007, will become position of estadía of the participant companies (lodging, feeding and transfer), contemplated from the 22 to the 29 of January of 2007, both days inclusively
8. The passages of roundtrip from and towards its respective countries of origin, as also the transfer to other cities within Chile, will be of exclusive responsibility of the participant companies.


1. The interested ones will have to send to dossier of presentation that it includes: a video (in digital format) or photographic registry (digital or in paper) of the work to represent; list of the participants; brief review of the company; argumental synthesis of the work; and one list of credits that contemplates the illumination plant.
2. The Organizing Commission grants the benefit of the inscription and selection immediate to the Groups and Compañi'as and Panelistas that have obtained the quality of Honorary Founders of the EMTIJ the INTERNATIONAL that is interested in participating in this 2° Encuentro.
3. The organization of Encuentro will count on a stage scene bases for participant works reason why the assembly of own stage scenes will not be allowed. In case of needing some element small spread and that is indispensable for the development of the work, one will be due to specify in the list of credits
4. The term of reception of dossier of presentation will impostergablemente overcome the 31 of August of 2006. For the case of documents sent by postal route the date will be respected that indicates the postmark
5. The process of selection of participant works will be in charge of a jury integrated by Ruth Baltra Moreno, organizing of encounter and three member of the Theater Corporation of Pedagogos of Chile.


1. Each selected participant country must choose 2 delegated children (man and woman) to comprise of the World-wide Parliament of Children and Children that will be developed altogether with the encounter.
2. The Children and Adolescents who participated and Swore as Parliamentary Members in the EMTIJ-2006 are the ones in charge to take the oath to the new members.
3. The selected delegates will have to bring a request about how it is the world in which they dream and they wanted to live and they will have to be in knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of Children, Children and Adolescents, of how the Educational System of its country works and which are the present problems that they prevent to construct to an appropriate world for the Childhood and Adolescence
4. The delegated children will have to bring the national suits of their countries of origin and their respective emblem patrio to participate in the sessions of inauguration and programmed closing of the encounter and special acts.


1. Se invita a dramaturgos, pedagogos teatrales, directores, interesados y especialistas en teatro infantil y juvenil a la realización del Foro “ENTRETEJIENDO EXPERIENCIAS” donde se discutirá acerca de los alcances y posibilidades de esta disciplina. El panel, que se llevará a cabo en forma paralela al encuentro, tendrá como objetivo sentar las bases para la elaboración de un documento en el que se solicitará a los estados representados que el arte dramático sea incluido en las mallas curriculares de los establecimientos educacionales de cada uno de los países participantes


nuevoemtij@gmail.com ruthbaltra@yahoo.com.ar
Web: www.emtij2006.cl www.personales.com/chile/santiago/ruthbaltra
(Ambos sitios sólo como información anterior. El nuevo sitio será dado a conocer más adelante)